
Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is incorporated into the TOU Agreement and governs Your use of the Vince Young Realty Partners LLC Website. This Privacy Policy applies to all Users of the Vince Young Realty Partners LLC Website. Certain terms of this Privacy Policy will apply to Agents.

You may not use the Website if You don't agree to this Privacy Policy. You must be of legal age (over eighteen years of age in the United States) to use the Vince Young Realty Partners LLC Website. 

Data will not be sold or shared with third parties for promotional or marketing purposes.

Vince Young Realty Partners LLC,  ("We" or "Us") recognizes that privacy is important to You. We protect and use the information You submit to Us as described in this Privacy Policy.

  • Information Vince Young Realty Partners LLC Collects and How We Use It.
  • Billing. It’s free for Users to use Vince Young Realty Partners LLC to save homes, create boards, share boards, and send Agent representation requests from Our “Find an Agent” feature. This Section 1(a) of the Privacy Policy applies if You are an Agent subscribing to a paid Account so You can view and respond to “Find an Agent” requests. 
  • We will require information from You in order to bill your credit card. We will require Your name, billing address, phone number and credit/debit card information in order to bill You. 
  • Vince Young Realty Partners LLC considers Your name, billing address, billing phone number and credit/debit card information to be Your “Personally Identifiable Information” and We will not share your Personally Identifiable Information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy. 
  • When You subscribe for a paid Account We will charge Your credit/debit card on a recurring or periodic basis and We may need to electronically store parts of Your Personally Identifiable Information. We will always protect any of Your Personally Identifiable Information that We electronically store.
  • Private Information and Agent Information. 
  • We may collect private information from You when You use the Vince Young Realty Partners LLC Website (such as when You create an Account). This private information includes Your name, location, email address, and phone number. Vince Young Realty Partners LLC considers this information to be Your “Private Information”. Vince Young Realty Partners LLC will always protect Your Private Information that is disclosed to Us.
  • You may need to submit Your Private Information so that You can use all of the features of the Website. We may require Your Private Information so that we can authenticate postings or comments submitted to the Website. We do this to prevent "Spam" or mass marketing advertisements.
  • You may choose to share Your Private Information with other Users of the Website, including Agents, but You agree to assume all risk when You disclose Your Private Information. Vince Young Realty Partners LLC will not be liable for any disclosure You make to other Users or Agents. The TOU Agreement governs disclosures that You make to other Users or Agents. 
  • If You use your full name on the Vince Young Realty Partners LLC Website, You consent that Your name may be displayed on the Website.
  • If You are an Agent, We will request Your name, business phone number, real estate license number, the state where you are licensed, and your broker. This information, including publicly available information You submitted to the real estate regulatory agency that issued Your real estate license ("Agent Information"), will not be considered Private Information. Your publicly available profile listing You as an "Agent" on the Vince Young Realty Partners LLC Website may contain Your Agent Information.
  • Submissions with Personally Identifiable Information or Private Information.
  • Although We do not actively monitor comments and submissions of information to the Website, We reserve the right to edit and modify comments and other submissions of information that may violate this Privacy Policy, Your privacy rights, or the privacy rights of other Users. If You discover that You inadvertently posted Your Personally Identifiable Information or Private Information on the Website, or the Personally Identifiable Information or Private Information of another User without his/her consent, then delete it and notify Us. 
  • Vince Young Realty Partners LLC disclaims any and all responsibility for any delay that may occur in deleting Your Personally Identifiable Information or Private Information from the Website.
  • Cookies. 
  • The Website may use cookies, which are small data files containing a string of characters and which are stored on Your computer. We use cookies to improve Your experience with the Vince Young Realty Partners LLC Website. 
  • Cookies will not contain any of Your Personally Identifiable Information or Private Information. 
  • If You set your browser not to accept cookies, You may not be able to use or experience all of the features of the Vince Young Realty Partners LLC Website. 
  • Third Party Websites linked to the Vince Young Realty Partners LLC Website may also use cookies. We do not have any access to or control over any cookies created by Third Party Websites.
  • Email Communications to Vince Young Realty Partners LLC. You can email Vince Young Realty Partners LLC with questions or comments. We may store these email communications. We will protect these emails and will not disclose them unless You tell Us that the email was intended as a submission for the Website or if You agree to a disclosure. Emails posted on the Website will not disclose Your Private Information without Your consent.
  • Data Collection. When You access the Website, the Website may record information related to You, including information sent by Your browser, IP address(es) of the computer(s) You use, and cookie information. We may use this information to improve Your experience with the Website or to identify violations of this Privacy Policy or the TOU Agreement. 
  • Use of Information. 
  • Vince Young Realty Partners LLC only processes Your Private Information and Your Personally Identifiable Information for these purposes (or otherwise described in this Privacy Policy or in the TOU Agreement): 
  • to display Your submitted content or Your Proprietary Content on the Website; 
  • to improve Our advertising efforts; 
  • for research and analysis; 
  • for improvements to the Website; 
  • to ensure the proper functioning of the Website, including processing payments for access to the Website; 
  • to develop new services, products, or content for the Website; and 
  • to protect Your rights and the rights of other Users. 
  • Vince Young Realty Partners LLC may need to disclose Your Private Information or Your Personally Identifiable Information to third parties in order to carry out these purposes, such as the provision of information to payment processors. 
  • If you are an Agent, We must verify Your name, broker and license number with the state regulatory agency that issued Your real estate license so that You may use the Website as a verified Agent. 
  • Disclosure. 
  • Except as described in the TOU Agreement or this Privacy Policy, Vince Young Realty Partners LLC will not disclose Your Private Information or Your Personally Identifiable Information to any third party. 
  • Vince Young Realty Partners LLC may disclose to third parties Your Private Information, Your Personally Identifiable Information that We may store, or Your Agent Information if You agree to such disclosures in writing or by email. 
  • Vince Young Realty Partners LLC may be required to disclose Your Private Information, Your Personally Identifiable Information that We may store, or Your Agent Information as follows:
  • to law enforcement authorities if We receive a warrant, court order, or other legal process, 
  • if We know or have a reasonable belief that a violation of applicable law has occurred through use of the Website, or 
  • if We reasonably believe a disclosure is necessary to protect another User or Agent, or if We reasonably believe that a disclosure is necessary to protect Our business interests.
  • Contacting You for Marketing Purposes. We may contact You with email messages that market other goods and services if We reasonably believe that You would be interested in these items. We will stop sending these emails upon Your request. 
  • Legal Minors. 
  • We do not market the Website or any services to legal minors. We do not allow minors to establish Accounts or submit Personally Identifiable Information or Private Information to Us. 
  • If We receive notice or have reason to believe that a person under the age of thirteen has created an Account, or submitted Personally Identifiable Information or Private Information to Us, then We will delete the Account and delete the submitted Personally Identifiable Information or Private Information.
  • Information Sharing. 
  • Unless We have your express consent, or as stated in this Privacy Policy, We will not share (i) any of Your Personally Identifiable Information that We may store or (ii) Your Private Information with any third parties, other Users, or Agents. 
  • You are expressly forbidden from sharing the Personally Identifiable Information or Private Information of other Users with third parties, including third parties who are Users of the Website, unless You have express written consent from the User. Any sharing of other Users’ information without their consent is a violation of this Privacy Policy and the TOU Agreement.
  • If You have retained an Agent through our “Find an Agent” feature then that Agent will have access to boards that You and the Agent share and to a portion of Your activity on the Website. 
  • If an Agent with whom You have a preexisting business relationship has referred You to the Website, and You register as a User of the Website, then that Agent will have access to boards that You and the Agent share and to a portion of Your activity on the Website.
  • Third Party Websites. 
  • The Vince Young Realty Partners LLC Website will contain links to and embed information from Third Party Websites. We have no control over the privacy policies or terms of use of the Third Parties who operate these Third Party Websites. 
  • This Privacy Policy will not govern the disclosure of You may make to any Third Party who operates or controls a Third Party Website. 
  • You should review the applicable privacy policy of any Third Party Website before You submit information to it.
  • Information Sharing with Agents. 
  • You will have an opportunity to use the “Find an Agent” feature on the Website to seek business relationships with Agents. If you use this feature, You are instructing Us to contact Agents on Your behalf and You consent to Our disclosure of certain information related to Your Account to these Agents, including boards You choose to share with Agents.
  • Agents may only contact You through the Website if You use the “Find an Agent” feature to initiate contact with an Agent. You may choose whether to establish a business relationship with an Agent. Information you disclose to an Agent in the context of a business relationship will be governed under the terms of the agent/client business relationship with the Agent. 
  • If You are an Agent, You agree only to solicit information from Users, including but not limited to Personally Identifiable Information or Private Information, after a User contacts You using the “Find an Agent” feature of the Website and you establish an agent/client business relationship with the User.
  • Information Security. Although We take appropriate security measures to protect Your Personally Identifiable Information and Private Information, Our security efforts are dependent upon the security procedures of the Website's hosting provider(s). Vince Young Realty Partners LLC cannot warrant or ensure that the hosting provider’s security measures will protect information submitted to the Vince Young Realty Partners LLC Website.
  • Enforcement. 
  • Vince Young Realty Partners LLC will enforce this Privacy Policy. If You violate any of its terms then We may prevent You from using the Website. 
  • If You believe that a person has violated this Privacy Policy then contact Us. 
  • If We believe that You or another person may have used the Website to obtain the Personally Identifiable Information or Private Information of another User, or for illegal or unlawful purposes, then We reserve the right to submit any and all information hawse have concerning the incident to law enforcement entities.
  • Changes to this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy may change from time to time. The most current version of the Privacy Policy will always appear on the Website. You should periodically review the Privacy Policy to stay informed on how We use information submitted to Us.
  • Use of Real Savvy “App” and Additional Limits on Use of Your Google User Data. Notwithstanding anything else in this Privacy Policy, if you provide the Real Savvy mobile app (the “App”) access to the following types of your Google data, the App's use of that data will be subject to these additional restrictions:
  • The App will only use access to read, write, modify or control Gmail message bodies (including attachments), metadata, headers, and settings to provide a web email client that allows users to compose, send, read, and process emails and will not transfer this Gmail data to others unless doing so is necessary to provide and improve these features, comply with applicable law, or as part of a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets.
  • The App will not use this Gmail data for serving advertisements.
  • The App will not allow humans to read this data unless we have your affirmative agreement for specific messages, doing so is necessary for security purposes such as investigating abuse, to comply with applicable law, or for the App's internal operations and even then only when the data have been aggregated and anonymized.

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